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Doma Awards 2021 finalist with the project “Mbweni House” built in Dar es Salaam in 2019. Athens Greece, 2021.

Gelderland Prize for Spatial Quality 2010 [NL] – OmnizorgApeldoorn  

Daas Burnt Brick Award 2010 [NL] – Omnizorg, Apeldoorn  

Space and Mobility Prize 2007 [NL] – Visitor Centre NatuurmonumentenVeluwezoom 
(most successful leisure project in the field of spatial quality, infrastructure and mobility)

Province of South of Holland Prize for Spatial Quality 2006 [NL] – Visitor Centre Tenellaplas, West Voorne, Zeeland (honourful mention) 

Wytze Patijn (Kuiper Compagnons) Architect selection 2004 [NL] – Scholtensyathe Estate, Alden Biesen  

Vlaams Bouwmeester Bob van Reeth 2002 [BE] – Masterplan LandcommanderijAlden Biesen (nominated) 

Rijksgebouwendienst 2001 [NL] – New Royal Netherlands Embassy, Bangkok (nominated) 

European Union International Design Competition 1999 [EU] – Rockhewn churches, Lalibela, Ethiopia (nominated)